Filling job vacancies can be a frustrating process, and especially difficult to undertake in these times of social distancing.
Remember when you were looking around for your web domain name, even your business name? Finding out that someone else was sitting on that bloomin domain. Well, there is a new challenge, but the chances are that many have already lost out. Have you?
A simple infographic explaining some of the infomation and statistics that are being gathered on chatbot usage today. Does your business understand how much these can impact your business today?
We have lots of firms using embedded AI into solutions that automates claims decisions, capture fraud or to check on creditworthiness, however the consumer does not have the option to tick a box to opt out. So what happens then?
OK, these AI chatbot examples are not fully fledged doctors. However, they do provide a very strong tool kit of help for a percentage of people, that need a little assistance or some initial triage for their symptoms. But where does the data go?
So you may have heard this famous quote by William Gibson: ‘the future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed’ And 25 years later, it It is still applies to small and large businesses when compared side by side in the world of AI.