Terms and conditions

Our Terms and Conditions

For your reference we have provided downloadable versions of our general terms. These may change periodically, so please ensure that you have the latest version from this page:

We have also included policies for Google Assistant to help you to choose an address and approach for your Assistant app.

Innovation Projects

We build and delivery innovative projects and technologies as part of our core and some we specifically label as Innovation Projects. These projects are usually dependant on very new technologies that provides a business with a first mover advantage, which a a great position to be in for those businesses trying to push the limits of what they can do and venture into new areas of technology and system efficiency.
We are reliant on large vendors such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft who are also pushing their boundaries. So as part of an innovation project, if Microsoft for example, change something fundamental in a new area that we are using, then there may be some unwanted disruption or work involved in amending a development or service, we will simply charge for any works required at current rates and endeavour to deliver an alternative in a timely fashion.