With the development of technology over the last 20 years we have moved from the Information Age to the Intelligence Revolution and are just starting to see what is possible and where this might lead us.With a forecast of over 38 billion devices collecting data, we are in a new innovation cycle that is moving at a pace that is scary, exciting and downright amazing.
Gavin Jones and Steve Tomkinson bring together outlines and snippets of what is coming and how that might impact you and your organisations, with guests that specialise in different areas of this accelerating technology.
Disruption Works Chit Chat, our italks about some specific features, use cases and case studies that we use and have used for our clients around chatbots, voice bots & automation. How these impact business and some specific challenges or sector stories to help anyone looking to engage with this technology.
It is all light hearted and just a chat, so we called it Disruption Works Chit Chat!