April 30, 2020
Written by
Steve Tomkinson

Robotic Process Automation (RPA): 5 lessons to learn early

Are you considering implementing RPA in your business? Learning from others mistakes is sometimes a good idea.

April 30, 2020

Are you considering implementing RPA in your business?

To give you and your future bots the best chance of success, the answer is simple - planning. As part of RPA planning, why not learn some lessons from others to help you avoid their mistakes?

Well it is always good to follow a plan and these few points are highlighted in detail in the following article - link below;

  1. Documentation is crucial
  2. Anxiety about job loss is part of it
  3. Look carefully as the security and privileges
  4. Get IT involved even they do do the heavy lifting
  5. To build a future in this build your COE

Go and read the article from the Enterprisers project for more detail here

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